
How Google Ads Can Help You Advance Your Business Goals

How Google Ads Can Help You Advance Your Business Goals As a small business owner, navigating the ever-evolving digital landscape can be daunting. However, leveraging tools like Google Ads can significantly propel your business toward achieving its goals. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how Google Ads can help you attract more customers, increase sales, and ultimately grow your business. We’ll dive into real-life stories, practical tips, and interactive insights to ensure you can apply this knowledge effectively. Image: Google Ads & Business Growth Table of Contents Introduction to Google Ads The Success Story of Jane’s Plumbing Service Why Google Ads? Precision Targeting Cost-Effective Marketing Measurable Results Versatile Ad Formats Getting Started with Google Ads Conducting Keyword Research Crafting Compelling Ads Setting a Realistic Budget Monitoring and Optimizing Campaigns Answering Common Questions Making the Decision: Is Google Ads Right for You? Interactive Insights: Practical Tips for Success Conclusion Call to Action Introduction to Google Ads Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords, is an online advertising platform developed by Google. It allows businesses to create ads that appear on Google’s search engine and other Google properties. With Google Ads, you can target your ads to specific audiences, set your budget, and measure the performance of your campaigns. This level of control and flexibility makes it an invaluable tool for small businesses looking to grow their customer base and achieve their business goals. The Success Story of Jane’s Plumbing Service To illustrate the power of Google Ads, let’s consider the story of Jane, a small business owner who runs a plumbing service in her local community. Despite offering excellent service, Jane struggled to attract new customers. Her traditional advertising methods, such as flyers and local newspaper ads, were not delivering the desired results. That’s when she decided to give Google Ads a try. Jane created a series of ads targeting homeowners in her area who might need plumbing services. She used keywords like “emergency plumber,” “local plumbing service,” and “affordable plumber near me.” Her ads highlighted her 24/7 availability, competitive rates, and excellent customer reviews. Within a few weeks, Jane saw a significant increase in phone calls and online inquiries. Her business grew rapidly, and she was able to expand her team to meet the growing demand. Jane’s success story is a testament to the effectiveness of Google Ads for small businesses. Image: Plumber Another Example: Google Ads Success Story of Priyanshi Priyanshi, a small business owner who runs a quaint boutique selling handmade jewelry. Despite having a beautiful collection, Sarah struggled to attract customers to her online store. She tried various marketing strategies but found them either too expensive or ineffective. Then, she discovered Google Ads. By creating targeted ads that showcased her unique jewelry pieces, Priyanshi was able to reach a broader audience. She set her ads to appear when potential customers searched for keywords like “handmade jewelry,” “custom bracelets,” and “unique necklaces.” Within a few months, her website traffic increased significantly, and her sales soared. Sarah’s boutique became a popular online destination, all thanks to the strategic use of Google Ads. Image: Boutique Why Google Ads? Precision Targeting One of the most significant advantages of Google Ads is its ability to target specific audiences with precision. With Google Ads, you can target potential customers based on their location, interests, search behaviors, and more. This ensures that your ads are seen by the people most likely to need your services, increasing the likelihood of conversions. For example, if you run a cleaning service, you can target homeowners in your local area who are searching for cleaning services. You can even narrow down your audience further by targeting specific demographics, such as age, gender, and income level. This level of targeting ensures that your advertising dollars are spent effectively and efficiently. Cost-Effective Marketing Google Ads operates on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, meaning you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. This makes it a cost-effective marketing option, especially for small businesses with limited budgets. You can set your budget and control your advertising costs, ensuring you get the most out of your investment. Additionally, Google Ads allows you to set a daily budget, so you never spend more than you’re comfortable with. This level of control and flexibility makes it easier for small businesses to manage their advertising expenses and achieve a positive return on investment (ROI). Measurable Results One of the challenges of traditional advertising methods is the lack of measurable results. With Google Ads, you have access to detailed analytics and performance data, allowing you to track the success of your campaigns. You can see which ads are performing well, which keywords are driving the most traffic, and which audiences are converting the most. This data-driven approach enables you to make informed decisions and optimize your campaigns for better results. You can experiment with different ad copies, keywords, and targeting options to find what works best for your business. Versatile Ad Formats Google Ads offers a variety of ad formats to suit different business needs and goals. Some of the most popular ad formats include: Search Ads: These ads appear at the top of Google search results when someone searches for relevant keywords. They are ideal for businesses looking to capture high-intent searches. Display Ads: These ads appear on websites within the Google Display Network, which includes millions of websites and apps. Display ads are great for building brand awareness and reaching a broader audience. Video Ads: These ads appear on YouTube and other video platforms. Video ads are highly engaging and can help you reach potential customers in a visually compelling way. Shopping Ads: These ads appear in Google Shopping results and showcase your products with images, prices, and descriptions. They are perfect for e-commerce businesses looking to drive sales. Local Service Ads: These ads appear at the top of Google search results for local service searches, such as “plumber near me” or “electrician in [city].” They are designed to connect local businesses with customers

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Marketing Agency

Marketing Agency-Marketoverse

Introduction Creating a marketing plan is an important step to making sure your business is successful. However, it can be difficult for smaller business owners to know where to start. This guide will help you develop a simple marketing strategy that will work for your brand and target market. Research. Research. What do your customers want? Do they want to buy from you, or do they prefer another brand? Are there any trends in the market that can help you better serve your customers’ needs? If so, how do they affect the products or services that you offer? Researching these questions will help ensure that when it comes to marketing, every decision made is based on solid research and data analysis rather than personal preference or intuition alone. By following the above steps, you can ensure bus in your businesessays on the right path to success. But remember, this is a process—it won’t happen overnight. It takes time and effort to build a truly successful business, but if you follow these tips and remain committed to your goals, anyone can succeed! Visibility. Visibility is about getting your message out there. Visibility is about making people aware o yobrandproduct, brand, and company. Visibility is also a way to help you stand out from the competition. Visibility is a way to makur product, brand, or company more recognizable. It’s about standing out from the crowd and being seen as an authority in a specific industry. Visibility is a way to make your product, brand, or company more recognizable. It’s about standing out from the crowd and being seen as an authority in a specific industry. Branding. Branding is the process of creating a unique image for your company. It can be done in many ways, from the logo to how you speak and interact with customers. Brand recognition is important because it ensures that people will remember your brand when they need it most: when there’s an emergency or crisis at work or home. The most successful brands are those that have a clear and consistent message. People know what to expect from them, which makes the company more trustworthy. It also helps you stand out from your competition. You can create a brand by choosing the right colors, fonts, and imagery. You can also create an identity system that allows you to use these elements consistently across your marketing materials. A well-designed brand ensures that people remember the company they’re dealing with if they have an emergency or crisis. Effectiveness of your marketing strategy. You need to research your target audience. Know what your competition is doing. Know what your customers want, and how you can meet those needs. Use analytics to measure your success in reaching them, and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of competitors who are competing against you. Create a strategy that is focused, relevant and resonates with your audience. Be consistent in your messaging, and keep it simple. Use social media to share valuable content related to your business that supports your overall strategy. -Use social media to connect with your customers. -Create a strategy that is focused, relevant and resonates with your audience. -Be consistent in your messaging, and keep it simple. The key to mensuring your marketing is effective i,s research, visibility and branding – use these three steps toreinfectyomarketingting is effective! Researching your audience and their needs is the first step to making sure that your marketing is effective. You should research: Who are you targeting? What type of business do they run? How much money do they make per year in revenue (or profit)? Once you’ve done this, it’s time for visibility! Visibility means being visible to potential clients who can use and benefit from what you offer them. You could advertise on social media, use targeted ads on Google or spend time at networking events where people who would be interested in buying from you meet each other face-to-face so everyone knows each other’s names. Another way to increase visibility would be through branding – getting a logo designed for yourself so people know exactly what kind of business model works best when dealing with them;  Conclusion The key to making sure your marketing is effective is research, visibility, and branding – use these three steps to make sure that your marketing is effective! To know more click – Or Call Us – +918638766428

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Marketing Agency

Marketing Agency in Bangalore

Introduction A marketing agency is a person or a company that provides solutions for different kinds of marketing problems. About the company We are a marketing agency in Bangalore, India. Our team is made up of professionals with over 5 years of experience in digital and traditional marketing. We have worked with some of the leading brands in India, including TataPlay, Airtel, Broadband, Zomato, Ola Cabs and Manya Mahotsavam. We provide a wide range of services such as strategic planning for start-ups and SMEs; web development for eCommerce sites; content creation for blogs; search engine optimization (SEO) services; social media management etc., depending on your needs. Services offered Marketing agencies are the best place to get your brand or product exposed to the right people. They can help you create a strategy, build your brand identity, advertise it and market it effectively. Here’s what we do: Branding – We help companies with their branding efforts by creating logos, websites and other visual assets that are unique to them. This will make sure they stand out from the crowd while also helping them reach their target audience more easily.* Advertising – We create ads for both print media as well as digital platforms like YouTube or Facebook.* Digital Marketing – Our digital marketing services include everything from email newsletters to social media posts so that customers know about new products at all times! We even offer paid search ads if that’s what someone needs most right now (which usually involves pay-per-click).* Social Media Management – Social media is an important part of any marketing campaign because it allows businesses an easy way What should a client expect from you? The client should expect a professional service. The client should expect a creative solution. The client should be kept informed of progress on the project and any changes that need to be made as it progresses through its lifecycle, so you can make sure everything goes smoothly for your business. A marketing agency is a person or a company that provides solutions for different kinds of marketing problems. A marketing agency is a person or a company that provides solutions for different kinds of marketing problems. Marketers are the ones who help companies to understand their customers and sell their products to them. They create strategies and implement marketing plans, which helps in reaching out to the right audience at the right time. Marketing agencies offer services like: Branding Creative Services (e-mail blasts, print ads etc.) * Web Development Conclusion When it comes to marketing, there are many different kinds of agencies out there. Each one serves their purpose differently, but they all have something in common: they help companies sell more products or services by using the right strategies. To know more click – Call us – +918638766428

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Importance Of Funnels In Online Business

Without Funnel you can’t be profitable in online business. It is pipeline of online business. One great funnel can change your entire business.    Just imagine you are setting on Bangalore running Facebook Ads in entire India for your products which worth is 25k, someone setting in Noida scrolling his Facebook has seen your Ads. What do you think, will he buy your products? No. Just think about yourself, you are walking on the street and some random person is approaching you telling you hey buy this Rs.5k products, this is great – will you buy it? Answer is maximum probability NO! So this is the same thing happen in Online Business. We must take to the person into a few step and after we have to convert him into a sell.   What is Funnels? It is the process on an individual how a person interact with & end the sale. When some one enter into the website must be go to a certain funnels. A sales funnel is marketing term to start the journey of potential customers go through on the way to purchase. There are several stage of funnel & business have to follow it. Aware to educate & selling the products making them a raving fan of your business. Every Business owner knows the pain point of just missing the sales. After a week of pitches, showing demos, prospect drop out the sales funnel without buying it. But it won’t be happen, when you will be having right and effective sales funnel.   Why Sales Funnel Is Important? A Sales Funnel is important because it help you to understand, what your potential customers are thinking and doing at each stage of purchasing journey. That insight help you to invest on right kind of marketing activities and create a most relevant message on during each stage. And turn prospect into buyers. Basically in general there are 3 steps of Funnels usually say top, middle & bottom of the funnel. Although these step may vary depending on company’s sales model.  If proper funnel in place can give you a complete returns and profit again & again. What Are The Stages Of Sales Funnels? Start-> Aware-> Engage-> Subscriber-> Convert-> Excite-> Ascend-> Advocate-> Promote-> Complete Start : You sales funnel might get start with organic or paid ads. It’s totally upto you, how you start. Awareness Stage: First ever interaction that we will have with our prospects – is all about giving the very first impression about your products.  One of the harsh mistake many sales people do, Is that in the first meeting only they started selling the products. It is as like you have seen a girl first time & telling her i want to marry you. But in general, in the first meeting you can’t tell her to do about marrying. Step by step we have to follow. First you have to build Repo. Slowly-slowly start talking and build a good impression. After that you have take her to Dates. After going in multiple Dates, both can say now we can marry each other. In your awareness stage, you need to create aware about your products/service.  Engage Stage: Prospect read your blog, engage on social media & watch your video or may be likening or commenting. Audience started getting lots value in content and engaging more. Subscriptions: Take all this people to the signup form who is getting more engage with your content. One of the best to persuade prospect in sign up form, is your lead magnet.  Now you got the opt-in and you have email list of interested prospect. Connect with them autoresponder and email sequence. Give value & value, educate them and build the trust. Convert : It is stage where you actually build real business relationship between you & your prospects. You are selling a small value products in exchange of huge value.  Excitement Stage : Give them a huge value exchange of very low amount.  Ascend : It is stage where you have to show offer/products which is good value in terms of money. Make sure that you give huge value & offer upsells.  In every transaction McDonald’s is loosing money but because of adding cook they are gaining profit. Burger + Cook = $79 Cook + French fry= $99 Advocate: Your customer will be so HAPPY with what you offered them. They are giving you testimonials, feedback & spreading word of mouth. They started buying you again & again. Promotion : With this stage your customer will be Raving Fan about your products in their circle. You will be getting sales on autopilot. It is stage where your customer will be sales representatives & praising you at every place. So a Funnel is very important in online business. It has the power to skyrocket your Business.

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Content Writing & Copy Writing Both Important In Business

About Content Creation Content Creation is the integral part of Digital Marketing, without it your brand will be blank on the internet. It is one of the common way to discover your business, when someone searches over internet. Content is the driving force behind all successful digital marketing campaign. It may include SEO, PPC, SMM, SEM etc. Each piece of your content will give you a new opportunity for your business to connect with prospect customers. Your content can be in four form as like Video, Image, Text & Audio. As per your user interaction or your business need you can create content. It also says that content is a not only king its a kingdom. If one content got viral, algorithm start showing other form of content also.   Content is the medium to educate about your products/service. Without content taking online business is next to impossible. Your content can be: Blog Posts Email News Letters Tutorials E-books White Papers Case Study News Articles Evergreen Articles Social Media Posts Videos Podcast or Audio The more you will create content more you will visible.  Content creation will help you to get more attention & inspire people.  People are busy scrolling their phones, the only time they’ll stop is when they see a familiar face.  Todays marketing is all about education. Figure out how you will educate people in your sector. More you educate, more revenue you can generate. Looking for creating content for your business connect with us.   About Copy Writing Copy Writing is nothing but selling through words. It is creation text content to persuade readers to take some type of action related to your business or sales process.  The main aim of copywriting is to create brand awareness and sell product/service.  Copywriting may include PPC Landing Pages PPC ads CPM ads Headline Product Page Social Media ads Website sales copy Sales emails Short Message Service (SMS)ads If your copy is more brainstorming or creative then there is a high chances to generate more sales. If you are trying to attract more calls and wanted to convinced more customer towards your brand then copy is mandatory. Before creating a new piece of content in digital marketing must be include copy & content. Copy Writing and Content Writing are primarily distinguished from each other by their purpose. Content Writing is design to educate or entertainment where as copywriting is design to persuade and take action.

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Why Should Do Social Media Marketing?

Scrolling on social media & wasting time days has gone. If you are a business owner & really looking for to generate a business, then social media has the way to make your business in next level. In social media both side of people you will get, one side people chitchat & will see status. Other side people will create business & generate revenue. Social Media & Marketing is one of the most powerful way for business of all sizes to reach prospects and customers. In 21st century if your brand has no presence in social media then you couldn’t grow business.   In global almost 4.2 billion peoples are active on social media network. Almost 40% world population. In India almost 51 crore people using social media – if you are not utilizing this platform that means you are loosing the opportunity. However there are many Brands struggling to creating engaging content and reaching targeted audience. A social media play a huge role at the top of the funnel. Lets dive in Social Media Marketing.   What Is Social Media Marketing? Social Media Marketing is use of social media to connect with audience, build brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic. This includes publishing great content on social media profiles, listening and engaging followers, analyzing your results and running ads on social media.  The major social media platform are Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Twitter, TikTok, Snapchat, YouTube, Pinterest, Clubhouse. Benefit Of Social Media Marketing A social media play a huge role for a business. Its create a vast opportunities to promotes products or service. Just as popular social media sites allow user to connect with friends and family in faraway places. There also a powerful way for marketer to create conversation with potential customers.  Users are now interacting with brand that means marketers have incredible opportunities to create ways drive demand and expand the reach what they are selling. Remember the word “money flow where there is more interaction”.   Through Social Media your Brand Can  Engage With Audience: Engagement is one of the greatest way to build trust and establishing a brand. Build Brand Loyalty: An engagement can lead to loyalty with Brand. An user can get to know more about brand through news updates, informational and entertaining videos. Collaboration: Through social media your brand can collaborate with other channels and there is a high chances to get more engagement of your audience. Generate Leads: Promoting & sharing your product on social media is the simplest way to generate leads, boost conversion & increase sales. Learn From Competitors: Social Media is the great way to learn from your coopetitors. How well there campaign is running, their followers and interaction level. Social Media will allow you to get a look what is and isn’t working for competitors. There after you could decide what should and shouldn’t change in terms of company approach. It is very-very important to create a strategy before jumping into a engaging prospects on social media. This involves taking time to understand about your audience. Create your audience persona. Figure out what type of content work out most weather it video, audio, image or text. Established tone, style and even repetition of the content. Determine what topic resonate with your audience. You might know majority of your audience like your video but you may don’t know what type of video they like most. Understand how often they engage with your content.  What format of content they love most, long format or short format. Demographic information will hep you to determine what type of content that will lead the best results. Once you build your audience persona, now its your time figuring out what ultimately you want from them. What is your goal for them in the campaign? What is the conversion for your campaign? Is it brand awareness, purchase, lead generation or to make them advocate of your brand. How do you want to continue engagement with your followers during the campaign or what’s so over.   Two ways you can do Social Media Marketing Organic Social: It is the way when user interact with your free content on social media as like video, audio, text or image. Further they directly move to your website and purchase products. This may be perfect for independent business but it will take time. Paid Social: It involve sponsored and ads, which will directly put your content in front of users who will most likely to show interest.  Depending on the platform you can target your user based on location, interest, behavior and habit. So this is how you can build your social media marketing strategy & easily can ahead of your competitors. To know more about social media marketing Book A Call.

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Why Business Need Email Marketing

Email Marketing is one of the oldest form of Digital Marketing but it is one of the most effective digital marketing strategy. There are lots of new methods of communicating with audience and customer like social media & live chat. User base over 5 billions people, till today email marketing is the king. In fact the ROI of email marketing is $36 on spending each dollar. That means without email marketing your digital strategy might get fail.  Email Marketing is considered as one of the Top most marketing channel as compare to social media, SEO & affiliate marketing.   Is Really Email Marketing Required? Despite the rise of Social Media, People use email more than other platform. If we see the data user of email is increasing day by day. 1.Email is one of the static ID, which never gonna be changed. If you go to nation or anywhere, your phone number might get changed but Email ID will remain same. 2.In Email you don’t need to rely on algorithm. In google, Facebook or any social media algorithm might get changed. 3.Eamil is one of the medium through which you can easily educate your user. 4.Eamil is one of the specific medium which always keep you as human connection. Through email you can directly speak with your user, use their name. Let them see human side of your brand. 5.Eamil is the one of perfect way to stay connected with your user for long term.    Still Not Convinced want to know more BOOK A CALL In addition according to HubSpot four out of five marketer say they’d rather give up social media than email marketing. That’s why creating a successful email marketing is more important for your business.   Why Your Business Need Email Marketing? Email Marketing is strategy where business send promotional message to people in mass quantity. Basically it is use to generate sales, nurturing leads & educating customers. Right now if you open your email box, there are high chances that almost half of the message are email marketing. Once you open the mail, they can track it – if you have opened or not. That’s how a brand start interacting with their user. Not going into so deep Lets see why your business need email marketing. 1.Eamil Is Permission Based When a customer trust you with their email address. Thats means he has given key to his House. Rather than spamming, Permission based email has more chances to get engaged and convert. 2.Direct Message To Audience Most of the people open email multiple times a day, your message is more likely to be seen. Through email marketing you can send direct message, scheduled and can connect with them easily. 3.Email Marketing Can Be Controllable With the Email Marketing you own connection. You don’t have to worry about the algorithm. In Facebook, google or other platform if the algorithm change – there might be high chance that your audience may drastically get decrease. However with Email Marketing you own the relationship with your subscribers. 4.More Personalize Message As per psychographic & demographic of audience, you can create a hyper targeted campaign. Research shows that a personalized message more power to get convert rather than a normal message. 5.Easy To Measure Measuring the effectiveness of marketing is important. An automated email marketing can breeze your marketing. Each and every single entity can be measure & track.  6.Easily Scalable Email Marketing is easily scalable as your contact or subscriber get increase.   How To Start Email Marketing? Email Marketing is one of the top most performing marketing strategies. It can support on marketing initiative like lead generation, sales, nurturing, and content marketing. To start a effective email marketing you must required a three essentials elements. 1.An Email List Without an Email List it is next to impossible to start a email marketing. An List is database of subscriber that have agreed on you to send them emails.  To create a successful email marketing you must have active & engaged email list. There are many ways to create your email list. One of the easiest way to create your email list is offer Lead magnet. As per the interest base of your audience, you can offer them free something in exchange of their email address. Your lead magnet can be E-book, Coupon, Templates etc.  2.An Email Service Provider (ESP) An Email Service Provider is also known as email marketing platform. Its a software that help you to manage your email list. Also help you to design and execute your automated email campaign. As per the basis of user interaction an ESP can trigger specific action. Such as sending a cart reminder. Suppose a user added items on cart & doesn’t checked out. So ESP will trigger a message personally “hey you have 50% discount on your cart items” check it out. Someone visit  my website & came back. One popup will show “Hey Without This You Won’t Succeed on Online Business”. This type of trigger can be shown by ESP. By utilizing Email Service Provider in a perfect way can be a game changer for your business. The trigger will enable you a personalize interactions, which can open rates & engagement.  3.Define You Goals An Email Marketing Can Help you to achieve the variety of goals. Drive sales Boost Awareness & engagement Get nurturing leads Keep customer engaged Increase customer loyalty  Creating lifetime value of customers To create an effective Email Marketing you Email List, ESP & Goal must be align. Then only you can successfully work on it.

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Online Advertising Can Change Any Business

Online Advertising is a rapidly developing marketing strategy that almost any business can get benefited if is done effectively. Online advertising is inclusive, affordable and easy to manage. Many business use online advertising to reach out the global audience. Understanding online advertising can help you to increase your customer base, reach out and engagement, learn more about specific preference and  targeted audience. By doing online advertisement you can retarget your audience and can make viewers into a buyers.    What Is Online Advertising? Have you ever double tap an Image on Instagram, reacted to a video on Facebook, click a search result on google only to realize after that ooh.. it was actually an ad.  May be you never realize it might not be an ad but you click on cute picture of dog. More than ever online advertisement can be in the form of image, text, video & audio. In todays ads are getting more contextual, relevant, targeted, and helpful in ways they never could before. In a simple language ads todays are content. Online Advertising is process of using internet to send message to a targeted audience. It is a way to increase traffic on your website. It includes advertising on search engine result page, social media advertising, website, email campaign, app integration, and other channels. Businesses use online advertising to persuade the targeted customers to take specific action such as making purchase. Why Your Business Need To Do Online Advertising No matter how small or big your business, Online advertising is one of the best ways to build your Brand, Win new customers and grow revenue. It has many advantage if we compare with traditional form of advertising or other form of online marketing. There are  major benefit of Online Advertising. 1.Immediate & Quick Result When you advertise online, you won’t have to wait for a month, week or days to get reward for your efforts. Sales can happen as soon as your ads goes on live. With an SEO, your page may take an average of 3 month to rank on Google. Social Media tend to grow 9.4 percent and 16 percent in every six month.   Further the speed at which you see results doesn’t just help you to win customer & drive revenue faster. It also help you to optimize your campaign quicker. Because you get data so fast, however you are able to optimize your campaigns to maximize ROI much faster. What takes six month or more with SEO, with paid ads it will just take 3 months. That’s why it always says that a PPC campaign can double your ROI or more. 2.Better Targeting In todays market if you want to win, you must focus on your micro niche. You must know who is your targeted audience, whom you need to sell. In online advertising has the power to drill down your target market and know with confidence that every dollar of your budget being spend on them. That’s the kind marketing, traditional advertising can’t compete. Most of the online advertising channel has granular targeting. Always allow you to focus on efforts and small segment of their audience. Facebook lets you to customize your target by dozen of criteria. Including, Location Age Gender Job Interest Behavior Connection As a result you don’t have to worry about – Forget the broad, in mass market that aim to please everyone. “ If you try to sell everyone, you can’t sell anything”.  So targeting is mandatory for any business. 3.Brand Awareness Online advertising can be used to drive traffic to your site and build Brand Awareness. An effective campaign can create brand influencers and reach complimentary audience. Advertising online not only create the Brand Awareness but it also recall your brand again & again. Showing the ads once in a blue moon, nobody will be ready to buy or purchase your products. It’s already proven that in the first introduction nobody will. Once someone prone with that ads, definitely there will be monetary transaction. If you show your ads again & again people will think who is that guy or what company is this. People will start thinking about you, will start knowing you. For instance you will build a trust & client will be raving fan of your brand. 4.Easily Trackable If you aren’t see how your ads are performing then you won’t buy the paid advertising. The beauty of online advertising is it is easily trackable.  Advertisers don’t simply published the ads in web & hope for the best. They must know how well their ads are performing & from where there traffic is coming. That’s the reason analytics is the crucial components for the any online strategy. Analytics tools offer wealth of information about the campaign. From impression share and CTR to CPC and trends over time. 5.Remarketing Consumer rarely discover a website and decide to make purchase immediately. A customer journey can be lengthy and complex. That the reason you need to take your ads in across multiple devices and websites over a prolonged period of time. Remarketing is one of the most important tools for online marketing. It will allow you to track user who has visited to your website and failed to convert & take action. Once they leave your sites and serve ads to them on other website. So this is not only the way to increase brand awareness  but also numerous further opportunity for the user to revisit your website and covert at a later time. 6.Global Reach With an effective online advertising you can expand your business anywhere in the world. As the internet has no boundary you can connect with your audience quickly and avoid having to travel to expand the business. This is how your company can visible to a millions of potential customers. 7.Cost Effective Cost effective is one of the most significant advantage of online advertising. Compare to the traditional method, it’s typical smaller expenditure on promoting product & services. 8.User Interaction

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Digital Marketing

What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is a technique that involve usage of Digital Medium such as internet or wireless for creating awareness, consideration, Purchase & Loyalty for Brands. Every business wishes to reach more & more people to showcase their product or service & to make the first impression. Imagine the traditional marketing making billboard, pamphlets, doors to door selling, print media, TV, Radio etc. Just to do the Tv ads required crore & crore marketing budget. So a small business couldn’t bared it. Above that it will not show any specific category, it will show to everyone who will be You clients as well as who will be not your clients.  Digital Marketing is the act of selling products & service through channels such as search engine, websites, social media, email, mobile apps, text messaging, web based advertising. In simple, if marketing campaign is using any of the online media channels, that is digital marketing.  Why Digital Marketing Is Important? You might not know but In 2017 it was just 27% of internet user in total population. But in today almost  60% of indian use internet i.e almost 840 million according to the report of cisco 2022. And majority of the people they are relying social media or search engine.  At the time of buying something we research on google. Going to unknown place use google map, ordering food use app, Switch on the AC use Alexa. Our whole lifestyle and everything is depend on one single items i.e your smart phone. Our future will be into it. That is the reason google & facebook generate more revenue than any traditional media company. No matter how small or big your business Is? Digital matter. It has the potential to take your business in next level. Your business should be where there is more attention. Someone watching YouTube, your ads should be there. Some scrolling insta your business ads should be there. Some one searching your business name, it should be on the web. Some one researching about your product, it should be on google etc.  Digital Marketing means whole totally your brand will be on Internet & it will generate revenue continuously.  Difference Between Traditional Marketing & Digital Marketing  Traditional Marketing:  Traditional Marketing based on TV, Print add & newspaper. On Traditional marketing, it Target only on specific people. It is costlier. You pay to reach out people might not be your prospect at all. Digital Marketing: Digital Marketing is presence on website, email, article, social media Digital Marketing is based on specific target, location, age & interest. It is cost effective You only pay when audience actually views or interacts.  Why You Should Do Digital Marketing For Your Business? Lets take an Example Mr.Shyam has open a new flower shop in corner of the street. Right now he is looking for the customer (Traffic). By doing digital marketing within a night he can bring customer in his shop & can easily sell the products. That’s the beauty of Digital Marketing.  Through digital marketing you can connect with local market as well as global market. No matter how small your business is, which industry specific your business Is, How new your business is- it has the power to overlook digital channel as a way to generate leads and covert interest into a customers. Key Benefits Of Digital Marketing  The ability to interact with your customer & learn what exactly they are looking for. The ability to reach anyone & anywhere without any geographical boundaries. Targeted the right audience at right time. Communicate with your prospect at every stage of the buying process. Save money and reach more customers for less Get to know your audience, drive engagement and create brand loyalty. Track & monitor your marketing efforts easily and instantly. That the reason whole sum in 21st century, if your business is not in digital nobody will believe on you. To know In-depth about Digital Marketing & Business Click on Free Discussion Call

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